The current Tatura Skate Park will be closed to the public from Tuesday 25 March 2025 for the duration of the project. The site will be fenced and the contractor will begin to remove the current skate elements and start to prepare the site.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is the new skate park being constructed in its current location at Memorial Place Park, Tatura?
- Will there be another location considered?
- Why are two concept designs being presented to us?
- Why aren’t all of our design suggestions included in two concept design?
- Will there be seating incorporated into the new skate park?
- Why aren’t there lights included in the design?
Have your say
The consultants have presented the following two concept designs, based on the community’s consultation and suggestions. These two concept designs are now open for the community to provide feedback throughout the consultation period, closing at 5pm on Friday 4 April 2025.
Download the concept designs
You can have your say:
- by completing the online survey below before 5pm on Friday 4 April 2025; or
- attend the Community Meeting held Monday 24 March 2025 from 4:30pm to 6pm at
Tatura Senior Citizens Hall, 2 Memorial Place, Tatura