What is the Revenue and Rating Plan?
The Revenue and Rating Plan:
- determines the share of the rates revenue each property is to contribute;
- does not influence how much money Council can raise through rates revenue;
- includes details in relation to payment options, rebates, interest and financial hardship; and
- addresses other sources of revenue including user fees and charges, grants and contributions.
We asked to hear your thoughts on our Revenue and Rating Plan and asked you to have your say on how Council distributes the rates revenue across properties within the Municipality and generates revenue from other sources.
How we're consulting
From this page you are able to:
- View the current Revenue and Rating Plan above.
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions (see tab below).
- Complete our survey and make a comment.
Council will collate the responses and comments and present a Revenue and Rating Plan to your councillors for adoption at an upcoming Council Meeting.
Take the Survey
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Municipal Charge
- When are my rates due?
- What if I can't pay my rates?
- How are my rates calculated?
- Why have my rates increased by more than the rate cap?
- Who decides the value of my property?
- What if I don't agree with my property valuation?
- Can I pay the total of my rates all at once?
- Why are the rates cheaper in Metropolitan areas?
- What are User Fees and Charges?
- How does Council decide how much to charge for User Fees?