The Murray Darling Association (MDA) is Local Government member based association that aims to provide effective representation of communities at state and federal level in the management of Murray Darling Basin resources. Members are drawn from all Murray Darling Basin Local Government areas, divided into 12 Regions.

The MDA provides information, facilitates debate and seeks to influence government policy on behalf of its members.

Greater Shepparton City Council is in Region 2 of the MDA.

Meetings are held at least four times per year and attendance is either in person or online. The location of the meetings vary each time, with the aim to visit each members’ Local Government Area on a rotational basis. Current members of Region 2 are:

  • Greater Shepparton City Council
  • Moira Shire Council
  • Federation Council
  • Murray Irrigation (non- Local Government member).

For more information on the MDA please go to

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking a member of the community to join the Council representative on the Region 2 MDA Board. This appointment is for a two year period. While this a voluntary position, Council will cover the expenses for the community representative to attend in-person meetings and activities.

To submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be considered for the community representative position please submit your application below:

If you have any questions, please contact Council.