This consultation

The designs options included in this survey were developed by Michel Signs guided by feedback received from community members during the initial consultation stage undertaken in September 2022. Use the tabs above to see the previous consultation.

Similar consultations in the past have successfully helped guide the designs of new town entry signs at locations including Tallygaroopna, Congupna, Arcadia, Ardmona and Bunbartha. Click the 'Previous Consultation' tab above to see the signs developed for these townships.

The sign design which receives the highest number of votes will be manufactured and installed accordingly. Please note that the final position of the signs at the locations selected may vary slightly depending on existing conditions and authority requirements as applicable.

Sign locations

Lemnos township signs will be installed at two locations within the Lemnos locality boundary. A number of locations were proposed by the community during the first round of feedback which were investigated, however due to significant major underground services located in Lemnos, there are only two options considered as suitable locations, on Lemnos North Road at the northbound and southbound entrances to the Lemnos township.

Town entry sign design options

Please review the designs options shown below. Click each thumbnail to view an enlargement, and use the drop-down sections to read about the common themes and elements for each option.

Take a note of your preferred design then complete the short survey in the "Have your say" section below to indicate your preference.

WATTLE A1 (left) and WATTLE A2 (right)

PEAR B1 (left) and PEAR B2 (right)

TREE C1 (left) and TREE C2 (right)

WATTLE D1 (left) and WATTLE D2 (right)

  Previous Consultation

Council asked members of the Lemnos community to inspire the design of two new Lemnos township signs.

Similar consultations in the past have successfully helped guide the designs of new town entry signs at locations including Tallygaroopna, Congupna, Arcadia, Ardmona and Bunbartha.

The feedback received was used to create two design options which were made available to the community for voting. The design with the most votes will be manufactured and installed.

For more information about this consultation, please contact our Projects Team on 03 5832 9700 or email

Have your say

The Lemnos community were invited to tell us your ideas by the following methods:

  • In Person
    If you would like to provide your feedback in person, come and talk with the designer and Council Officers on Tuesday 4 October 2022 at any time between 6:30pm and 7:30pm at the Lemnos Recreation Reserve Tennis Clubrooms, 80 Lemnos North Road, Lemnos.
  • Online
    To submit your ideas, use our online tool below.