Greater Shepparton City Council is excited to be partnering with The Faculty of Education at Monash University and VicHealth to deliver the Kids Co-designing Healthy Places program. The program aims to support local councils to co-design healthy places with kids by providing a range of online tools and guidance.

Kids live, learn and play in places councils look after and this is why we want to hear from them about the things in our neighbourhoods that impact on their ability to live happy, healthy and connected lives.

By including their voices, we can build healthier futures together.

Kids Co-designing Healthy Places is a Monash University project supported by VicHealth.

The project supports councils and schools to engage with kids to co-design healthier places. It focuses on the things in our neighbourhoods that impact healthy eating and being active.

Kids live, learn and play in the places councils look after. By including them in the design process we can build healthier futures together.

Kids Co-designing Healthy Places Website

The VicHealth Local Government Partnership focuses on providing evidence-informed policy and practice change for councils to create healthy, active and connected communities for people who are 0-25 years of age.

Greater Shepparton City Council is dedicated to making health changes with and for the children and young people in our community. Over the next four years Council will work in partnership with VicHealth as one of 16 ‘fast-track’ Councils to ensure the voices and needs of children and young people aged 0-25 years are included in public health and wellbeing planning using systems-based thinking and co-design principles.

Council will work in partnership across a broad range of health promotion modules that consolidate best-practice methodology, evidence and case studies to inform the planning and implementation of enhanced, equitable health policy, and practice changes tailored for our municipality.

Health promotion modules include:

  • Building active communities
  • Connected and supported communities
  • Building better food systems for healthier communities
  • Strengthening tobacco control at a local level
  • Increasing alcohol harm prevention at a local level
  • Promoting everyday creativity at a local level

VicHealth Local Government Partnership Website