The proposed lease period is to take effect from 1 January 2025.


The Shepparton Regional Saleyards is located at 48 New Dookie Road, Shepparton being Lot 1 on Title Plan PS9023255 Volume 12455 Folio 805. The Lease area excludes the Shepparton Saleyards Café.

Council recently called for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for a Lease of the Shepparton Regional Saleyards, with EOIs closing on the 7 June 2024. The Lease of the Shepparton Regional Saleyards was also included in Councils’ Draft Budget that has recently closed for community feedback.

The aim of the proposed lease is to ensure the Shepparton Regional Saleyards remains a viable livestock selling facility, which will maintain and reinforce Greater Shepparton as a major regional stock selling complex.

The principal terms of the proposed lease will include but not be limited to:

  • The provision of a safe, clean and hygienic environment for all livestock and personnel to facilitate the smooth running of each sale;
  • To maintain compliance with all legislative requirements, quality assurance, accreditation programs, regulations, local laws, waste management, municipal public health and statutory bodies applicable to the Saleyards;
  • To ensure the saleyards remains financially viable;
  • Council and the successful lessee will develop a program of renewal and improvement works for the Saleyards, which will be considered for future funding and budget cycles. Noise control, stormwater drainage, site security and traffic management will be some of the improvements considered.
  • There is no plan to change the current sale days. If any changes were proposed, then extensive consultation with the wider industry and stakeholders would be required to consider this.
  • Any changes to the 10 year lease or proposals to move the current facility to another location would form part of a separate community consultation process.

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Greater Shepparton City Council
Locked Bag 1000,
Shepparton, Victoria 3632