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The Greater Shepparton Economic Development, Visitor Economy and Major Events Strategy (EDVEMES) is designed to guide regional growth and development for Greater Shepparton over the next five years (2024 to 2028). This will be an important strategic document for Council to identify opportunities to promote economic, community, and employment growth outcomes through the key pillars of Economic Development, Visitor Economy, and Major Events.

The purpose of the Strategy is to ensure that the Council has an economic focus and a clear strategic direction pertaining to the region’s local economy into the future. The Strategy highlights outcomes that can be achieved within the region and details each project within the proposed Draft EDVEMES via 29 key strategic direction areas. The Draft EDVEMES is now ready for final public consultation.


The Strategy and Vision are supported by the following objectives:

Key pillars and strategic directions

The strategic framework is comprised of the three key pillars that drive the economy.

These are summarised below and in the image to the right:

Pillar 1A: Population and Demographics

Maintaining liveable and engaged communities that foster economic inclusion and supports resident and workforce attraction:

  1. Supporting Economic Inclusion and Jobs Access for Diverse and Disadvantaged Communities
  2. Suitable Resident and Worker Accommodation
  3. A high-Amenity and Vibrant Urban Centre
  4. Thriving and Activated Small Towns

Pillar 1B: Business and industry Directions

  1. Provide Access to Job Ready Workforce
  2. An Engaged and Productive Business Community
  3. Supporting Environmental Sustainability
  4. Economic Growth through Major Serviced Based Organisations
  5. Supporting the Food Production and Processing Industry
  6. Promoting Industry Diversity and Business Investment Opportunities
  7. Advocacy for Major Infrastructure Projects
  8. Appropriate Supply of Zoned Commercial and Industrial Land
  9. Accessing International Markets and Global Trade Outcomes

Creating high value tourism industry that provides a quality visitor experience and supports a diverse range of visitor markets.

  1. Accommodating for Visitor Growth
  2. Promoting Visitor Dispersal
  3. Arts and Culture Development (inc Indigenous Experiences)
  4. Riverfront Activation and River Precinct Development
  5. Consolidate Destination Branding and Tourism Governance
  6. Development of High-Value Products and Experiences
  7. Contemporary Visitor Servicing Practices
  8. Monitoring Visitor Economy Performance and Growth

Sustaining Greater Shepparton's role as a leading regional events destination and generate positive economic and community outcomes across the municipality.

  1. Impact of COVID-19 and Implications for Future Events
  2. Importance of high-Value Events
  3. Accurate and Effective Data Collection and Analysis
  4. Supporting Event Diversification
  5. Providing of Quality Event Facilities and Supporting Infrastructure
  6. Supporting Event Dispersal
  7. Role of Council as Capacity Builders
  8. Targeted and Contemporary Event Funding Criteria

Have Your Say

You were encouraged to have your say on the Draft Strategy by completing our online survey below.

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Greater Shepparton City Council

90 Welsford Street / Locked Bag 1000,
Shepparton VIC 3632, Australia