Greater Shepparton City Council recognises that Australia Day, held on 26 January, is Australia’s national day.

The date of 26 January holds diverse and complex meanings for Australians, representing a day of celebration for some, and a day of mourning for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.

Following extensive community consultation, in September 2023 Council resolved to continue advocating to the Australian Government to change the date of Australia Day, and to cease conducting its own Australia Day activities on the 26 January date.

Frequently Asked Questions

The results of consultation conducted over two years – via community conversations and a public survey – suggested strong community support for changing how Council acknowledges this date. This sentiment centres on the association with the 26 January date with the process of colonising Australia, and the hurt caused to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by celebrating this date.

Support was also shown for Council to continue to mark Australia Day on 26 January.

The consultation suggested that many community members value aspects of Australia Day celebrations (for example citizenship awards, citizenship ceremonies and opportunities for the community to come together) but that the value placed on these events is not strongly linked to the date of 26 January.

No. Council believes our national day should be a day that is inclusive and respectful of all members of the Greater Shepparton community.

Council continues to advocate to the Australian Government to change the date of Australia Day from 26 January to a more suitable date.

No. Only the Australian Government can make the decision to change the current public holiday from January 26.

The change that is being made in Greater Shepparton is that Council will cease conducting its own Australia Day activities on the 26 January date.

Greater Shepparton will conduct a community citizenship awards and citizenship ceremony event on 25 January.

A small town grants program has been delivered for the community to hold their own celebrations on 23-25 January, or 27-29 January, but not on 26 January.

In 2022 and 2023, Council provided a financial contribution towards the community-led Survival Day Dawn Ceremony event. This will continue in 2024.

Greater Shepparton residents can celebrate 26 January in the way they choose. Australia Day, held on 26 January, is Australia’s national day.

The change that is being made in Greater Shepparton means that Council will no longer conduct Australia Day activities on the 26 January date.

Residents from Arcadia, Mooroopna, Tatura, Toolamba, Dookie, Murchison and Shepparton can be nominated for an Award across the following seven categories.

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year (aged under 30)
  • Senior Citizen of the Year (aged 65 and over)
  • Community Event of the Year
  • Sport Award
  • Junior Sport Award (aged under 18)
  • Senior Sport Award (aged 65 and over)

For towns conducting community celebrations, award winners will be announced at local events.

All other winners, including for Shepparton, will be announced on 25 January.

Previous consultation

26 January holds diverse and complex meanings for Australians. It is Australia’s national public holiday and a date upon which awards and citizenships have been conferred. However, it is not a day of celebration for all, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.

Examining how 26 January is marked in Greater Shepparton commenced in 2022. Council formed a community stakeholder group, comprising Australia Day committee members, and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community groups. A summary of the themes which emerged from these conversations was presented to Council.

In October 2022 Council resolved to advocate to the Australian Government for a change of date for Australia’s national holiday, and to continue community engagement to inform a Council decision about Council’s role on 26 January in 2024 and beyond.

Council also resolved to conduct community engagement on the idea of having a day of community celebration that is not held on 26 January, is inclusive, reflects the full history of Australia, and is culturally respectful.

Council is committed to engaging with the wider community on the way forward. We would like to hear your feedback and comments.

The feedback received was reviewed alongside what we heard in 2022, and a proposal was developed for the future of Council’s role on 26 January in Greater Shepparton.